Franklin County Art Alliance
Inclement weather
In case of inclement weather, we will post any cancellation of the FCAA meeting on the web site by 10:30 AM.

January Reminder:

The January FCAA meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11th at the Grove Family Library from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM.

There will be social time at 12:30 PM prior to the business meeting at 1:00 PM and followed by a demonstration in gouache by Kesra Hoffman, a native of Middletown, MD. Keira has been painting landscapes of her home and travels since 1996. Her medium of choice is gouache, a water-based and highly pigmented paint, for pieces in varying styles on white or black paper.

Additional information about Kesra can be found on the Art Alliance’s January-February 2025 newsletter.